RoadmapOur roadmap highlights the themes we're working on. Each card you see could have one or more individual features released to help solve that theme.
Absence Management (PTO revamp)
Absence Management (PTO revamp)
Absence Management (PTO revamp)
Sapling HR
Recently launched

We've worked hard to deliver a revamped PTO solution for Sapling called Absence Management.

This re-work makes many improvements on existing behaviours, and it adds new functionality that is essential to managing people in dynamic organisations!

As part of the new Absence Management module, we are introducing Working Patterns.

A Working Pattern allows you to capture an employees expected working day(s) and number of hours they work each day in the morning and/or afternoon. There is also support for multi-week Working Patterns.

Working Patterns will bring several benefits to Absence Management:

  • Employees can book one start and end date and the system will calculate the rest
  • A half-day can be booked as part of the start or end date
  • Support for part-time employees or compressed hours
  • In some cases less policies will be required as a policy can cover multiple working patters
  • The option to either include or exclude holiday days a working day based on the Working Pattern
  • Support for rounding holidays to the nearest half-day